Monday, September 12, 2011

Meet Colleen O'Brien

E-mail: 9/12 cast member Colleen O'Brien also handles PR for ...AND Company Theatre

Colleen O'Brien plays the role of MARGARET in ...AND Company Theatre's production of the play E-mail: 9/12. Her character starts the play by sending an e-mail to all of her family and friends at three o'clock on the morning on September 12, 2001.

The role is based on the real-life experience of the playwright, Midge Guerrera, and the premise of the play is based on the e-mail responses she received that day.

"It shows how one person touches so many lives," says O'Brien. "As a result of show, I hope the audience realizes the positive impact they have on others, and others have on them. And I hope they continue to do so all the time, when times are good, not just when tragedy strikes."

O'Brien has been a professional actress since 2002. While her primary focus is acting on-camera, she often performs live as an 18th Century historical interpreter or a standardized patient. Last December, she appeared as Mrs. Claus at the Park City Center in Lancaster, PA.

Acting is actually O'Brien's second career. She had previously worked in the IT industry, having earned her Master's Degree in Computer Science from Villanova University. She recently contributed an article to Yahoo! News about how the events of 9/11 changed her and resulted in her changing careers.

Heading up the Public Relations effort for ...AND Company Theatre means that many of the e-mails O'Brien sends out contain press releases. Mail to goes to her. She also edits and writes the content for the official blog. "That's right," she confirms, "I wrote this blog post about myself in the third person."

Performances of the play E-mail: 9/12 presented by ...AND Company Theatre are on September 24, 2011 at 3pm and 7pm at Christ Church Neighborhood House Theatre located at 20 N American Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Tickets, $25. Discounts available in advance online. Tickets at the door will be sold on a cash only basis. More info: or 609-891-7555.

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