Monday, February 20, 2012

Press Release: "To Be Young, Gifted & Black"

Celebrating Black History Month …And Company Theatre presents “To Be Young Gifted and Black: Portrait of Lorraine Hansberry in Her Own Words” Adapted by Robert Nemiroff and Directed by Andre G. Brown.

PHILADELPHIA — “To Be Young Gifted and Black: Portrait of Lorraine Hansberry in Her Own Words” is the third full production of …And Company Theatre. Adapted by her husband, this piece is a compilation of Lorraine Hansberry's - author of the classic "A Raisin in the Sun"- plays, journals, essays, poems and speeches. Honoring ensemble work, …And Company Theatre brings to life the visions, the passion and the spirit of the playwright by allowing the “company” members to collaborate in order to bring richness to the human essence Hansberry outlines in her writings.

A prolific Black female writer, Hansberry's work was steeped in her familiarity with living through life in the South Side of Chicago after the World War during the depression and the first atom bomb being dropped.  Personally impacted by racial and political hysteria, cancer, lynching, drug additions and mental illness, among other things, Hansberry's work abundantly examines the human experience. This production will not only pay homage to the conclusion of Black History Month but most importantly continue to give breath to a notable African American contributor of the arts.

“To Be Young Gifted and Black…” runs 2/23 @8pm; 2/24 @8pm; 2/25 @3pm and 8pm; 2/26 @3pm. Special performances include:  2/22 @10am which is a free performance of selected scenes at The Free Library of Philadelphia & 2/29 @7pm which is a Young Gifted and Black Festival which will take place at the CEC. The Young Gifted and Black Festival is a ticketed event of $15 which includes selected scenes from the main production, vendors, musical tributes, LIVE painters, dancers and a Poetry Slam.

All shows will be held at Christ Church Neighborhood House 20 N. American Street (Old City) unless otherwise noted. Christ Church Neighborhood House is wheelchair accessible.

Tickets and more detailed information can be located at

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